Chapter 1 - Creation
02/02/15 20:43
As we begin the story, we find God’s people gathered around the evening campfire, disoriented and feeling impotent rage. They are in exile in Babylon, shaking their fists at God, wondering when their suffering will be vindicated and their kingdom restored.
An old man (the narrator of the story), realizes his people have forgotten their story amid their suffering, and asks them to listen to their story. But the people are angry. They want answers, not stories! The old man understands their rage but begins anyway, reminding them that their story did not begin with exile or with the Babylonians who put them there. Their story began in Eden.
An old man (the narrator of the story), realizes his people have forgotten their story amid their suffering, and asks them to listen to their story. But the people are angry. They want answers, not stories! The old man understands their rage but begins anyway, reminding them that their story did not begin with exile or with the Babylonians who put them there. Their story began in Eden.
