Chapter 5 - Community (Part Two): Sinai
03/03/15 20:30
In chapter 5, God takes those slaves and transforms their identity to create a nation: the children of Israel, the people of God. Instead of being grateful for the mighty acts of God in Egypt, the people began to complain in the wilderness. God remained faithful, and established a covenant treaty at Mount Sinai, which we know as the Ten Commandments, or Torah. God remained faithful to the covenant, even as God’s people did not.

Chapter 4 - Community (Part One): Exodus
26/02/15 19:53
In chapter 4, the old man tells the next chapter of the story. Four centuries later, Abraham’s descendants still hadn’t seen the promised land. Under a new and hostile dynasty of pharaohs, the Israelites were forced to become slaves. An exodus was needed that would free the oppressed as well as the oppressors.
God’s intention remains to liberate us from all the things that keep us in bondage, distant from God and each other.
God’s intention remains to liberate us from all the things that keep us in bondage, distant from God and each other.