Watershed Formation Studies

The Story of God, the Story of Us.

Sean Gladding takes us between the lines of Scripture to listen in on the conversation of people wrestling with the Story we have received. Sitting around a campfire in Babylon, reclining at table in Asia Minor, huddled together by candlelight in Rome, we meet people encountering the Story for the first and for the hundred-and-first time. With them we hear a tale that is at once both familiar and surprising.

Chapter 12 - Consummation

In this final chapter, we are introduced to the most misinterpreted book of the Bible, Revelation. It challenges its readers to consider the central question Jesus poses to them: “Where does your allegiance lie?” Is it to Rome and the cult of emperor, or to Christ? Rome is a powerful empire, but its glory has come through military and economic oppression. Kingdom people are asked to respond not with the violence of the empire, but with patient endurance and faithfulness. “God’s is the kind of power that will win the world, even though till the end it will look like we’re losing.”