Literary Perspective
The God of Second Chances - Week 4
17/04/16 08:00
The Bible can be pretty messy. When reading its pages, it doesn’t take long to be baffled, especially by the tense and violent parts. As author Peter Enns asks, what do we do when the Bible doesn’t behave the way we think a holy book should? It can be hard to take it seriously.
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Revelation: The Original Graphic Novel? - Week 3
10/04/16 16:30
By now you’ve discovered that we are not reading the book of Revelation literally. How then are we supposed to understand the graphic and powerful images in this unique book? If we let the images impact us like a graphic novel or a vivid painting, they can begin to communicate deep truth. Who knows, maybe they’ll even transform us like they did for the first century audience.
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